Marine Chandlery Business in South East Queensland

Price: $85,000.00 + SAV  SOLD

wpe5.jpg (23008 bytes)Overview: The business is a fully operational Marine Chandlery Business situated in a Marina complex in a major South East Queensland town only minutes from the centre of town. 

The business is currently run by a husband & wife team with one full time employee. The business is fully computerized with bar code system in place. A detailed list of inclusions is available on application. A total of 190 Sq Mt of floor space with access to the marina on the one side &  carpark at the main entrance. 


The business operator has a good clientele consisting of local and passing trade. The central position allows the business to service a large area and can have special orders delivered from the main distributors quickly and cost efficiently. 


wpe5.jpg (23008 bytes)Reason for Sale: The current owners are looking to sell and give a long lease to the business to allow more time for other endeavours. The current owners own the premises so they will be the Landlord.